
Con Montanari R. (2012) “Eco-scenari per la riconfigurazione bio-economica” pg. 114-118 di The wide horizon strategy. 50 stratagemmi vincenti per il mondo che cambia (edito da Andrea Pitasi) Maggioli Editore ISBN: 8838769885 9788838769887 

Delrio C., (2011) “Generating Research projects through interaction between ACademia and Enterprises?” in M.Paulsen, A. Szucs “Learning and sustainability. The new eco-system of innovation and knowledge” EDEN annual conference 2011 Book of abstracts, EDEN. 

Con Montanari R. (2011) “Policy modelling for key challenges of the 21st century” in AAVV, Nuova Atlantide. WCSA First Conference – Complexity Systemic Sciences and the Key Global Challenges of our Times, Aracne Editrice, 2011 ISBN: 978-88-548-3915-1

Con Nascimbeni F., (2010) “The Wonderful Entropy of European Networking on Learning Innovation: Lessons Learnt from an Articulation Attempt”, Paper presentato alla European Distance and E-Learning Network Annual conference, Valencia, 9-12 Giugno 2010

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Con Julie Chytilova, Claudio Dondi, Pál Gáspár,Renata A. Jaksa, Gábor Kismihók, Katarina Krapez, Vasja Vehovar, Kirsti Ala-Mutka, Yves Punie, “The Development of eServices in an Enlarged EU: A Synthesis Report on eLearning”, Institute for technology and prospective studies, European Commission, EUR 23831 EN – 2009,

Con  Claudio Dondi, (2008) “ICT and educational policy in the European Region” pg. 1097-1108 di “International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education”, a cura di Joke M. Voogt, Gerald A. Knezek, Springer International Handbooks of Education, Vol. 20, 2009, XLII, 1225 p. , ISBN: 978-0-387-73314-2

Con Thomas Fischer, "Helios-redefining e-learning territories" in "Observing the e-Learning phenomenon" eLearning paper n°4, 2007

Con Claudio Dondi “Technology -supported lifelong learning: the need for a new vision and new implementation models” paper presented at the 10th IACEE World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education April 19 – 21, 2006 Vienna University of Technology

Proteus or the multiple appearance of e-learning” paper presentato all’ EDEN research workshop a Barcellona, 26 Ottobre 2006

“Penna, Blog e calamaio Web e piattaforme come strumenti per la didattica, fra tradizione ed innovazione” edito dalla provincia di Modena il 10-5-2006

Con Claudio Dondi, "The e-Learning market in Europe: from reasonable enthusiasm to reasonable confidence", in "Learning citizen newsletter" N°6, Luglio-Settembre 2003

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